Visegrad at Utøya

Youth leaders from political parties and civil society in the Visegrad countries (Poland, Hungary, Czeck Republic, Slovakia) and Norway meet at Utøya to learn and exchange experiences on how to promote a democratic culture in their local and national communities. This project is completed.

What are the challenges that our democracies face? How can we facilitate discussions on controversial issues? Which practical measures can be carried out to curb hate speech and extremism? What can young people do to promote democratic values and practice? How can they practically make their voices heard? 

To introduce these and other relevant issues to young and active citizens the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia to a democracy workshop at Utøya. Here, they will meet up with Norwegian peers, creating a team of 30 young and engaged people who wants to actively defend democratic values in Europe.  

During a five-day workshop, the participants will undergo training to strengthen their understanding of democratic values, and to increase their practical capacity to counter hate speech, anti-democratic forces and extremism. 

The overall aim is that the participants, after returning to their home countries in Central Europe, will serve as positive role models.  

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