The South East Europe Regional Summer Academy “Human Rights in Action” promoted human rights education in South East Europe. This project is completed.

What: A whole school approach training program to promote human rights education in South East Europe.
For: Teams of teachers, their school heads and representatives of NGOs and parents’ associations
How: Online preparatory tasks followed by 8 days of face-to-face training in Cetinje, Montenegro. Systematic follow-up of local actions for up to 8 months.
Result: Local action involving colleagues, students and other partners.
Organized by: Ministry of Education and Sports, Montenegro; the Bureau for Educational Services, Montenegro; the Council of Europe and the European Wergeland Centre.
Working language: English
Financed by: The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (through a voluntary contribution to the Council of Europe), The Ministry of Education and Sports, Montenegro; The European Wergeland Centre.
*All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.