Information vs manipulation – How to stand up against propaganda

The project “Information vs manipulation – How to stand up against propaganda?” promoted critical thinking and media literacy among students in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. This project is completed.

What The project uses historical and modern examples of propaganda to develop critical thinking and media literacy relevant to current European challenges.

For Students and teachers from Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic

How Participants will identify and compare historical and current propaganda with focus on three key events: the Hungarian Uprising in 1956, the Anti-Zionist Campaign in Poland in 1967-68, and the Prague Spring in 1968. Through a 7-month period, participants will take part in two international workshops as well as local project activities. The workshops will center around the key events and the countries’ shared history, as well as the language and use of propaganda, impact of media language and hate speech. Experts in the field will conduct interactive and practice related sessions for both teachers and students, while the participants will disseminate gained knowledge to their peers upon return.

Results Through various exercises and debates, the aims of the project are to raise historical awareness, develop critical thinking, and stimulate creativity among young people. The local projects will be showcased at an international gala in Warsaw in the spring/summer of 2018.

Organized by POLIN, the Emigration Museum in GdyniaZachor Holocaust Remembrance FoundationPANT civic association, and supported by EWC.
Financed by the EU programme “Europe for Citizens”

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