Action Area V


Countries involved in EWC partnerships with national and local authorities


Oral and written contributions
to policy makers


Expert groups working on policy

The important role of education to build and sustain democratic societies is widely recognized and often embedded in national education laws and policies.

However, there is often a discrepancy between policies and its implementation in practice. The Council of Europe outlines in its report on the state of citizenship and human rights education that 66% of governments reported inconsistencies between policies and their implementation.

EWC aims to bridge the gap between education policy and its implementation in practice. We have worked closely with national education authorities when designing and implementing projects, based on Council of Europe recommendations and standards.

EWC also provides advice and expertise for policy development through expert groups and piloting efforts, both nationally and internationally with intergovernmental organizations such as Council of Europe, UNESCO and UNDP. We have brought insights from trainers, teachers, students and evidence from our projects to policymakers, and shared good practices and lessons learned at study visits, donor meetings and round table events.

Recent EWC contributions to policy

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