With an aim to build a common understanding of the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values students’ needs in the 21st century, the OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 hosted its first global forum in mid-May. As part of the multi-stakeholder focus group, EWC took part in the virtual workshop “overcoming challenges in curriculum delivery during school closures and transition back to school”.

“It has never been more important to rethink education, and EWC contributes with a vison of democratic learning, where student participation and inclusion of all stakeholders is key for development of competences for democratic citizenship”, says EWC senior advisor Iryna Sabor. The OECD Education 2030 project is a global discussion arena. It gathers educators from around the world to identify gaps in education systems and look for new solutions to help students live and shape their lives in a highly volatile, uncertain and complex world. Governments, educators and civil society needs to create a new support system for students to stay resilient, thrive and contribute to their communities in the digital era.
Participants were welcomed by OECD Director of Education and Skills Andreas Schleicher, who highlighted the importance of inclusion of all. The two-day student-centered discussions explored challenges many students are facing during lockdown and transition back to school, as well as tried to identify possible steps to increase motivation, ensure learning and well-being of students during the crisis. Participants also discussed the possible “new normal” in education, taking into consideration lessons learned, innovations and opportunities emerging during the crisis.