46 primary schools join efforts for inclusive refugee education in Greece
46 primary schools join efforts for inclusive refugee education in Greece
EWC is inviting organisations to participate in a tender for mid-term evaluation of the EWC’s Schools for Democracy programme in Ukraine.
Greek Delegation of Experts Explores Oslo’s Anti-Bullying Initiatives
October 16-19, 2023, we had the honor of hosting a distinguished Greek Delegation of experts who embarked on a Study Visit focused on bullying prevention and anti-bullying practices in education. The delegation’s visit proved to be a fruitful exchange of ideas, experiences, and strategies in the fight against bullying.
Museums as Sites of Citizenship: An Open Discussion
Education as a Bulwark of Democracy
Youth Exchange: Fighting antisemitism, xenophobia and racism now!
Presenting our project at the ECER conference
Demokratilæring i klasserommet
I November er det 15 år siden Wergelandsenteret ble opprettet for å fremme utdanning som en viktig vei til demokrati og menneskerettigheter i Norge og Europa. Vi inviterer til seminar på Sentralen i Oslo 23. november.