Exploring students’ perceptions of the school atmosphere in relation to inclusion

At the initiative of a group of teachers, the perceptions of the school’s students about the climate of their school in
relation to inclusion are investigated. The aim is to identify the students’ experience when the school will receive
refugee students.

The analysis of these results will highlight the needs of the school and possible issues which, if not addressed, will also be faced by the refugees.


  1. A group of teachers of the school create a working group and, with the approval of the Principal, they inform the student community about the activity, which aims to detect the level of the school and the school climate in relation to the inclusion of diversity. It is made clear to the students that their own experience is valuable for their community to foster an inclusive climate for refugee children and to make improvements or changes if there are needs. It is stressed that the questionnaire will be completed anonymously and will be voluntary. A copy of the questionnaire is given to parents for their information and, if necessary, their written consent to their child’s participation is requested. If children are young, they will need help to complete the questionnaire.
  2. The coordinating team will collect written parental consent. It develops the questionnaire online and asks children to complete it. After the deadline has passed, they statistically analyze the responses (Google forms offer descriptive statistics) and work together to organize a well-organized presentation to the community, but with room to make conclusions and recommendations. If issues arise, they can work with the principal and parents to clarify the information.
  3. A workshop for teachers and students is organized. The results of the analysis of the students’answers are presented, and everyone works together in smaller groups to identify the needs for change or improvement. They also propose action points that will be common to teachers and students, ensuring that the refugee children arrive to a friendly and inclusive school. (It is suggested to follow up with Activity: The “Hope” College).


Creation of a short questionnaire based on the expected learning outcomes, to be offered to everyone at the end of the workshop.

Duration: 2 weeks

Materials/ Resources

  1. Stergiou L. & Simopoulos, G. (2019). After the Container. A cross-cultural look at refugee education. Athens: Gutenberg.
  2. The questionnaire (attached below).

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