Higher education, teacher training institutions and NGOs
In schools, all children and young people should learn and practice the principles of democracy and human rights such as inclusiveness, equality and respect.
School policies and practices promoting those principles are not that common. Often schools with socio-economically, ethnically and culturally diverse student bodies, including refugee children, minorities and children of other vulnerable groups, struggle to handle diversity in all its forms. 3 in 10 teachers in OECD countries find it difficult to cope with the challenges of teaching a multicultural class.
EWC aims to promote the integration of inclusive and democratic practice and policies through a whole school approach into three areas of school life:
- teaching and learning
- school culture and
- co-operation with the local community.
We empower schools to plan and carry out actions based on their needs, working on positive relations among staff-students and improving home-school cooperation.
We reach teachers, school leaders, parents, students and their communities through our collaboration with teacher training institutions, universities and civil society organizations in formal and non-formal education.