To what extent are we a democratic and inclusive school community?

The school community (teachers, administration, students, parents) assess to what extent they are ready to welcome
and include refugee students.

The activity is based on the exploration through a questionnaire of the school’s culture and the actions it has taken so far in relation to inclusion. The questionnaire is based on the theory of the Whole School Approach and the Council of Europe’s Framework for Reference on Competences for Democratic Culture (2018). The indicators and their reference to specific issues and ideas are very helpful in planning activities for an inclusive school community.


  1. Set up a coordination group of 5-7 people, including the administration (1), teachers (2), students (1-2) and parents (1-2). The representative of the administration will be the coordinator. It is advisable to start with an open invitation stating the purpose of the group: to assess to what extent our community works democratically and inclusively to welcome refugee children. It is important to include representatives of all groups in the school community.
  2. The group is formed and sets a day to meet to work together. It is made clear to everyone that the administration has a coordinating role, while the others are equal participants.
  3. A group workshop is organized. It is suggested to give a short introduction to the questionnaire and the theories on which it is based: the Whole School Approach and the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (2018). When the participants have completed the questionnaire, they discuss it together and proceed to agree on the indicators one by one. It is important that everyone’s answers are heard first, in order to share different perspectives and exchange information in a climate of respect and cooperation.
  4. After this, the participants decide what actions and activities they need to undertake as a school community for a democratic and inclusive school, taking into account the indicators they need to improve. In which of the three areas/pillars do they need to act, and to what extent, in order to achieve the inclusion of refugee children? It is useful to choose the desired degree of activation (moderate, high-priority, etc.) in each.


Reflective circle at the end of the workshop, with responses from all group members about: How did we feel as a group working together for the common purpose of welcoming and including refugee children? Did we feel safe to express our opinion and evaluate our actions and activities? Now that we know what we need to improve, can we together organize joint actions to upgrade the school in relation to inclusion and democratic culture? (A suggestion is to proceed with Activity: Creation of an Action Plan). The trainer creates a short questionnaire to evaluate the activity based on the expected learning outcomes, to be given to all at the end of the workshop.

Duration: 2 weeks


  1. PowerPoint presentation of the questionnaire theory.
  2. computer
  3. projector
  4. questionnaire: copies for all team members and an additional one to be completed by the team (attached below).

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