Inclusion activities in and out of the classroom I

Students in a class participate in a one-hour activity aimed at teamwork and cooperation.

Make a circle


  1. The teacher asks the students to make a circle (standing, sitting on the floor or on chairs) within a certain amount of time (e.g. , while they count to 10).
  2. Students coordinate and create the space needed to make the circle. After they do this, they make the circle. If time has elapsed the teacher asks them to repeat.
  3. The teacher asks them to scatter and form the circle again in less time.
  4. The teacher asks them to scatter and form the circle, this time in complete silence.

Chinese chopsticks


  1. The teacher divides the students into pairs. Each pair is connected by a stick or pencil. The object should be carried by both persons using only one finger(tip) each. The teacher explains that they have to cover a certain distance together without dropping the object.
  2. The teacher gives them some time to practice in pairs.
  3. The teacher forms groups of four by joining pairs, and asks them to cover the same distance, but this time trying to coordinate all four people together. If the whole group must return to the starting point and try again. Teams are free to develop the best technique and strategy to move quickly to the end without dropping the pencil or stick.
  4. Depending on how difficult it is for the students, the rules can be applied with varying strictness. Groups of eight can be formed, and the distance they have to cover can be increased.

The alphabet relay


  1. The teacher prepares by placing alphabet letter cards on the floor at one end of the room. At the other end, s/ he places a laundry rope with cloth pegs.
  2. S/he divides the students into three or four groups (depending on the number of children) and asks them to line up behind each other behind the laundry rope.
  3. S/he asks the students to make a word with as many letters as there are players on each team. “Find and form a 5-letter word with the cards on the floor.” S/he gives them a few minutes to think of a word (e.g., apple, clock, horse, sugar, and so on). Then, following his/her signal, each team sends the first player to pick up a card with one of the letters of their word. The player returns to hang it on the rope and then touches the next player, who fetches the next letter. When one of the teams completes their word, they get a point.
  4. The teacher gradually increases the level of challenge from simple easy words to more difficult and longer ones.

Variations: As the group masters the goals and depending on the age the level and complexity increases. The teacher can prepare a text (from any lesson), leave key words blank and ask the students to form them. With slight variations it can be developed into a syntax exercise. If numbers and symbols are used instead of letters, the game can be played with math operations.


Reflective classroom discussion:

  • What emotions were generated during the exercise.
  • What thoughts did I have about it? What did I learn?

Duration: 45 minutes for each activity


  1. For the Chinese chopsticks: Chinese chopsticks, pencils or similar objects (about 15 cm long).
  2. For the alphabet relay: a) Cards with letters of the alphabet. b) Rope, pegs.

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