Preparation, awareness-raising, and information activities for the reception of refugees. The activities are organized
by the school and aimed at teachers, parents (local and refugee) and relevant stakeholders and members of the local community.
To adequately and appropriately prepare the school community (administration, teachers & parents) for the reception of refugee students.
The teachers to:
- recognize the special circumstances faced by refugee students,
- be aware of the places of origin, language(s) spoken, the conditions of travel from them, the present living conditions, the level of literacy, etc. of refugee students,
- discuss with in-depth knowledge about refugee students,
- plan and implement reception and inclusion actions for refugee students and their families,
- facilitate refugees (students and parents) in the process of adaptation to the new environment.
The parents of refugee students to:
- feel welcome,
- feel that they are part of the school community,
- participate as actively as they can in the functioning of the school community.
The parents of the students to:
- recognize the special circumstances faced by refugee students,
- contribute to the reception of refugees (students and parents) in the school community,
- facilitate the process of adaptation of refugees (students and parents) to their new environment.
- The Principal and a team of teachers contact the Refugee Education Coordinator and are informed about the profile of refugee students in their area.
- The principal informs the Teacher Council of the profile of refugee students and their families. The council shall decide on and organize a training course/workshop to raise awareness of refugee issues. Suggested activities: I didn’t come, I left or Refugee: Why is she here? or The “Hope” College.
- In cooperation with the Council as a whole, the team plans and organizes the next steps until the arrival of the refugee students (pratical, timetable, evaluation). Suggested activities: Creation and translation of signs/signposts, rules and/or Creation of an Action Plan. The council implements the actions in accordance with the timetable.
- The principal and the action coordination team contacts the students’ parents and guardians association and informs them about the refugee students and the school’s intended actions. In addition, an awareness-raising workshop for parents may be organized by the teachers’ coordination team. Suggested activities: I didn’t come, I left or 10 Fingers or Refugee: Why is she here?
- The Principal and the action coordination team invite the refugee parents and inform them about the practical issues at school and about the activities the school will carry out. Parents are invited to take part in a cooperation/information session with the Councilor for Refugee Education (or similar). Provisions are made for the presence of interpreters, if necessary.
Reflective discussion in the action coordination group. Reflective discussion in the group on the actions for the reception of refugee students – evaluation and planning of next steps

Duration: 4 weeks
Materials/ resources:
Contacting the Councilor for Education of Refugees of your country (for Greece here).