Practical proposals for a new Ukrainian school
Ukrainian education professionals developed practical proposals for schools to develop competences for democratic culture using the Council of Europe tools during a round table conference in 2016.

The round table conference “Democracy and Human Rights in the New Ukrainian School” took place in Kyiv, 9 December 2016 and was organized within the National Programme in Education for Democratic Citizenship “Schools for Democracy”. (Read more about the conference here).
During the conference, practioners developed practical proposals for schools to develop competences for democratic culture using the Council of Europe tools and approaches to EDC/HRE in three areas:
- Democracy and human rights in the teaching and learning process,
- Democratic school environment and governance
- Democracy and human rights through partnerships with parents and local community.
Oksana Ovcharuk, researcher and Council of Europe expert, underlined the importance of implementing the principles of EDC/HRE into the educational standards and curricula based on a cross-cutting approach, thus also strengthening interdisciplinary links. Other participants highlighted the importance of establishing partnerships between all stakeholders of the teaching and learning process in various areas of school life – the so called whole school approach to the development of competences for democratic citizenship.
You can download a PDF with the proposals here: