In the middle of the war, from Kyiv, Ukraine’s Minister of Education Serhiy Shkarlet presented a comprehensive plan to mobilize all possible resources to protect and restore education in Ukraine. EWC is ready to support schools and kindergartners in this time of need.
EWC Executive Director Ana Perona-Fjeldstad took part in a digital meeting with Ukraine’s Minister of Education March 15. In the meeting with partners in the education sector, Shkarlet underlined Ukraine’s tremendous losses both when it comes to lives of civilians including children, amount of internally displaced persons and refugees, and educational infrastructure. 59 educational facilities (schools, kindergartens, universities) have been destroyed and over 400 damaged.

Shkarlet stressed that education during the war is important. The Ukrainian government has resumed educational activities in some regions starting from March 14, using online and blended format. The intention is to reach as many children as possible with these activities.
A lot of international partners expressed their support to Ukraine and are willing to help. Over 250 guests took part in the meeting representing different projects and organisations, both in Ukraine and internationally, and came with various solutions that could help move the Ukrainian education system forward in these dark times of history.