Inclusion activities in and out of the classroom II

The school organizes an action or actions in which the students (either some or all of them, depending on the action) participate, with the aim of including refugee students.


  1. Create an action coordination group. Get permission from the Teachers’ council and the principal.
  2. The teacher(s) decide which students will participate, how they will prepare, what steps they will take, and how the whole plan will be implemented.
  3. Teachers inform the students about the action and the stages of its implementation.
  4. Create stories: Teachers invite students to participate in creating a shared story or a series of stories based on a stimulus (a painting, a photograph, a piece of music, a historical day, a theatrical performance, etc.). Initially the students are divided into groups. Then the topic and the instructions for collaboration and writing are given. The stories are written and then translated into the languages of the students in the group. It is decided jointly by the group how to share these stories: in print or digital format, in a newspaper, magazine or blog, in audio (podcast) or video format. The relevant actions are organized (in groups if necessary, in specific actions, at a specific time) depending on the way of publication (e.g. if the stories are to be shared by podcast, a group is responsible for collecting the stories, a group is responsible for finding the recording medium and recording, a group is responsible for the narration, etc.).
    • Create a print, a digital newspaper or a radio station: Teachers invite students to participate in creating a school newspaper and/or a school radio station. Initially, students are asked to research and study other newspapers and radio stations. The students suggest ideas for the style and the way of operation. The roles (teams) in the newspaper/radio station are defined: editors-in-chief, production technicians and journalists/reporters. The teams meet at specific intervals and define responsibilities and actions to be carried out over a certain period of time. The technical production team ensures that the electronic or printed newspaper is produced, or that the radio show is broadcast on a local radio station. The editorial team is responsible for the planning and assignment of topics and columns, as well as the coordination of the journalist/reporters. Of course, they are also involved in research and production. The team of journalists/reporters, writes and reports, for the newspaper or radio show.
  5. A presentation event is organized to disseminate and communicate the activities to the school and wider community.


Reflective classroom discussion:

  • What feelings were generated during the creation of the project?
  • What feelings were created during the action?
  • What thoughts did I have about it?
  • What did I learn?

Duration: 1 week – 1 school year

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