Building Inclusive Classrooms in Moldova is part of our Schools for Democracy programme.
The Programme is implemented by the European Wergeland Centre since 2015. The current edition (2024-2027) is carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of Moldova.
We will offer trainings for teachers and support 40 schools in building an inclusive school environment for all.
Guided by specially trained experts, school teams will introduce democratic changes in school governance, teaching and learning, and their cooperation with the local community in order to prevent exclusion and hate speech. Inclusion of vulnerable groups like Ukrainian refugee children, and children from other vulnerable groups will be embraced.
Implementing partners: Centre for Education Initiatives (Lviv), Ukrainian Step by Step Foundation (Kyiv), SavED (Kyiv) and Step by Step Moldova (Chisinau).
The Programme is funded by the Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine under the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD).