EWC regional coordinator Bojana Dujkovic gives an update on the developments in the “preparing Future teachers in the Western Balkans” project.

“The launch and first training was very successful, with an open and friendly atmosphere and participants very eager to learn” said Ms.Dujkovic. The 3-year project was launched in Montenegro in November 2019, bringing together the network of universities and partners of the project for the first time.
“The regional cooperation is an essential part of this project, and we are particularly happy with how the participants immediately connected and shared ideas and experiences from their work”, she continued. “I was very pleased to hear participants inviting each other to conferences and talking of possible papers to write together”.
The project which involves 12 higher education institutions and universities from Albania, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro aims to improve the quality of teacher education in the region.
“All participants will develop national teacher education modules emphasizing practice-oriented teaching, promoting citizenship, democracy and human rights.
Before the next training in April, the steering group consisting of key partners and experts, will meet in the beginning of February to monitor the project´s progress. They are also responsible for keeping the project in line with education policies and needs in the region, as well as providing advice and support where needed.
“When the participants meet again in April, they will receive further training in CoE materials and approaches, as well as present the first drafts of their own training modules that should be ready to use by the fall semester of 2020.” Dujkovic explains. “They will get feedback from the trainers and their peers before they go home, adjust and finalize in time for the start of the next school year in October.”
*All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.