The Teacher Training House in Bistrita-Nasaud in Romania organized a project promoting diversity, inclusion and democracy at schools.
Two representatives from the Teacher Training House took part in the EWC training programme Building Democratic School Cultures in Oslo in October 2018. During the following months the participants designed a training course on methods to build democratic schools, which was delivered for free to a total of 77 teachers.
“The training improved the confidence and competences of the teachers. They became real agents of change by being able to make their schools more democratic”, said Alina Gîmbuță, from the Teacher Training Institute in Bistrita-Nasaud
The Training House also organized an International Symposium, resulting in a Good Practice Guide. Participatory workshops for teachers, school managers, school inspectors, parents, students and school councillors were also offered, and the ladder of participation was used as a measuring tool to determine the level of democracy at participating schools.
In addition to the EWC training programme, the project also included a seminar at the Human Rights Academy in Oslo, and a job shadowing activity in Bergen.