The European Wergeland Centre and the Schools for All team are honored to host an event dedicated to the social integration of refugees through education, on Monday, November 1, 2021. This event is a chance to present the Schools for All project, funded by EEA Grants, and to bring together the invaluable partners, supporters, and educators from its network, as well as other actors in the field of integration and intercultural education.
Three esteemed academics and professionals, Claudia Koehler, Michalis Kakos, and Georger Androulakis are the keynote speakers to provide the European perspectives and the Greek experiences in the field of refugee education, with presentations that bridge theory and practice.
Several interactive sessions of the event are dedicated to the core of the Schools For All project, showcasing examples and best practices, inviting its national trainers to share their point of view, and hosting a roundtable discussion with Principals from its school network.
With the hope of opening a wider forum for discussion, reflection, and strong synergies the detailed agenda is as follows:
Moderator: Kjersti Toverud Klette – ‘Schools For All’ Project Manager
14.30 On-site Registration
Opening ceremonies
15.00 Alexandros Koptsis, Secretary General at Primary, Secondary and Special Education of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs
15.05 Ana Perona-Fjeldstad, Executive Director of the European Wergeland Centre
15.10 Maria Fola, EEA Grants Adviser at Norwegian Embassy in Athens
15.15 Doretta Asteri, Counselor A at Educational Policy Institute,
15.20 Introducing the project ‘Schools for All’ – Angelos Vallianatos, Head Trainer
15.30 Michalis Kakos – Associate Professor, Director of Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Childhood, Education and Society (CIRCES), Leeds Beckett University, UK: “An inclusive model for inclusive education: Thinking holistically about the educational inclusion of refugee children”
15.40 Claudia Koehler – Executive Director, Farafina Institute, ‘Education of refugees in Europe: lessons learned and promising practices’
16.00 Break
16.15 Interactive discussion: sharing the national trainers’ point of view – Iro Poramousi, Expert Trainer
16.25 Roundtable discussion with ‘Schools For All’ network Principals – Gelly Aroni, Expert Trainer
17.00 George Androulakis – Professor, Department of Primary Education, University of Thessaly Head of the Greek Language and Multilingualism Lab :
“Inclusive Education in Greece: Achievements and Challenges” and Regional Trainer of ‘Schools For All’
17.20 Project’s next steps – Dora Katsamori, ‘Schools For All’ National Project Coordinator
17.30 Closing remarks – Q&A session
18.00 End
Note: Drinks and finger food will be offered during the event
Details of the event
Live streaming via zoom and Facebook.
The event is hosted at Serafio City of Athens, Echelidon 19 & Pireos 144, for a limited number of guests.
Τhe event will be mainly in Greek.
Contact: Dafni Anesti, Communication Officer,
The event will take place according to all health and safety regulations as provisioned for mixed spaces.