Our latest webinar: “Schools For All in 60 minutes” was realized via zoom, on October 6. It was an introduction to the project, attracting a large but targeted audience of educators of Secondary education who work in schools that can possibly apply in the project.
The head trainer of the project, Angelos Vallianatos and the expert trainers Iro Potamousi, Marios Koukounaras-Liagkis and Geli Aroni presented the key points of the project, its methodology and tools, and explained the reasons to join the project. Ms.Lemonia Mpoutskou, Head of the Independent Department for the Coordination and Monitoring of Refugee’s Education of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs as an invited speaker presented the Ministry’s collaboration with the project and its aims for this school year.“Schools For All project aims to offer a supportive network through which the difficulties and challenges of the field of refugee students’ integration could turn into enrichment for all, ” Geli Aroni pointed out. ”Τhis project is a journey we have embarked on, not just herein Greece but also schools from all Europe, members of the council of Europe. This signifies a collaboration within this extended ‘family’”, Mr. Vallianatos highlighted. An extended and lively Q&A session gave the chance to the participants to ask specific questions regarding the eligibility of their schools, the application process and the implementation of the project among other issues.
The video of the webinar (in Greek) is available here.