New tool on inclusion of refugees | Synergies for inclusive education |Future plans.
Monday 15.30 – 20.30 | at Marasleio and via live streaming
The European Wergeland Centre (EWC) and the Schools for All team are honored to invite you to our conference on Monday June 20, and the online training event 21 June.
Since 2019, EWC has worked closely with the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs on creating inclusive learning environments for schools all over Greece, with a particular emphasis on refugee integration in the project Schools for All. Based on the expertise, experiences and practices from the project, we have developed the handbook Methods and supportive techniques for refugee inclusion in school communities. The publication is a practical guide on how to work with different aspects of a school community.
The Conference 20th of June is addressed to schools, local authorities and community representatives, and others involved in work on inclusion. The programme includes
- The launch of the handbook
- Presentations and good practices from teachers and students
- A discussion on how the project experiences can be of value beyond the Greek borders
- What next? The new phase of the project
The online training 21st of June on refugee inclusion in school communities is for primary and secondary school teachers in Greece, as well as professionals active in the field of refugee education.
Monday June 20, 2022, 15.30 – 20.30 at Marasleio (Marasli 4, Athens) for registered attendees and online via zoom (link to event will be sent via email).
Please see RSVP form here and register by June 15.
Tuesday June 21, 2022, 18:00-21.00: Online training on methods and supportive techniques for refugee inclusion in school communities
More information and registration form are found here.
The event is organized in cooperation with Learn Inn EKPA, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
The complete agenda below.