This manual is for teachers and educators in Africa who work with young people both in formal and non-formal educational environments and who want to introduce human rights in their teaching practices.
Authors: Amnesty International
This manual is for teachers and educators in Africa who work with young peopleboth in formal and non-formal educational environments and who want to introducehuman rights in their teaching practices. It is designed as a basic introduction, withadvice on methodology, activities for older and younger children and ideas foraction. The approach stresses the practical rather than the theoretical. Theintention is that educators can take this material and adapt it to suit their owncircumstances and context.
‘Siniko’ has been produced by Amnesty International as part of the worldwidecampaign to mark the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of HumanRights on 10 December 1998. Its publication is also intended to highlight theUnited Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995-2004) and theOrganization of African Unity (OAU) Decade for Education (1997-2006).