Democracy Through Visual Art Education

This publication is a result of the project Preparing Future Teachers in the Western Balkans: Educating for Democracy & Human Rights 2019 – 2022, led by the European Wergeland Center. 

Funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the project provides support for higher education institutions and universities in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Mac­edonia and Serbia, that are interested in modernizing their teacher education courses, with an aim to improve the quality of teacher education for future teachers in the region.

The main aim of this semester module is to engage students into a learning process which can enable them to understand and implement both contents – visual art education and democracy content. Students will:

– gain and show knowledge and understanding of basic concepts, terms and fact in both contents

– interpret, compare and organize strategies to explain contents in primary school age

– construct and apply creative solutions for acquiring visual and democratic thinking in classroom settings

– create tasks that stimulate creative, imaginative and critical thinking concerning visual art and democracy in primary school settings

– select, classify and compare materials from the website and Reference Framework on Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) to build meaningful year and daily planning

– Evaluate primary school pupils’ competences in acquiring democracy and visual art culture with the use of descriptors in both contents.

*All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institution or population in the text shall be understood in full compliance with the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice of the status of Kosovo.