12 university factulties from from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia are participating in the project Preparing Future Teachers in the Western Balkans.
Lecturers and staff who are actively involved in teacher training at higher education institutions and universities are selected to join the regional network and in the years to come they will develop, test and disseminate new teacher education modules phasizing practice-oriented teaching promoting citizenship, democracy and human rights.
The network is a tool to strengthen regional cooperation for democratic developments in education and to address common challenges and will serve as a platform for mutual learning and exchange of experiences with transformation of teacher education and education reforms.
Participation in this project provides a good opportunity to exchange experiences with university colleagues from different countries in the region and work in education together to contribute to the changing of our region for the better. It enables us to make new contacts with experts and to encourage future collaborative initiatives in the field of human rights, citizenship and democracy, development discipline and training programs of teachers.
Teacher trainer from a University in Albania
The following Universities / Faculties and their staff participate in the Project:

- University of Elbasan (Alexander Xhuvani)
– Faculty of Educational Sciences
- University of Durres (Aleksander Moisiu)
– Faculty of Education
- University of Montenegro
– Faculty of Philosophy
– Faculty of Philogy
- University of Belgrade
– Faculty of Teacher Education
- University of Niš
– Faculty of Philosophy
North Macedonia:
- University of Skopje (St. Kliment Ohridski)
– Faculty of Pedagogy
– Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- University of Pristina (Hasan Pristina)
– Faculty of Education
Bosnia and Herzegovina:
- University of Sarajevo
– Faculty of Philosophy
- University of Mostar
– Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
– Political sciences Department
– Philosophy department
- University of Banja Luka
– Faculty of Philosophy
*All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.