EWC is launching a new a new training of training course to promote inclusive schools and citizenship education in Slovakia. The training is part of a larger project targeting schools with a high number of Roma students.

“The pandemic has really affected the most vulnerable students like Roma, migrant children and children from remote communities. It has exacerbated structural inequalities, and children without strong support from their homes, who do not have access to the internet or digital devices, are especially at risk. Many are excluded as schools digitalize their teaching and learning”, Caroline Gebara, EWC Head of Development, said.
A training of trainers course running online from November 2020 until May 2021 will be the first activity implemented in the 3- year project “Innovative training of teachers with the aim to enhance intercultural competences in education process of Roma children”. Two Advanced Trainings will be conducted later in the year and in 2022.
The course aims to develop a pool of trainers in Slovakia, who can support schools in building inclusive and democratic school environments where all students and school community members feel welcomed and respected.
3 graduates from the training will be invited to join an academy training for school teams promoting inclusive school development through local projects that address needs related to Roma inclusion.
“Taking key lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic with us, we will raise awareness of teachers, teacher trainers and other educators about those that are at risk of dropping out and how to make online learning an inclusive and welcoming experience for all. We will also be working to strengthen relations among teachers, students, families and community actors and emphasize the role and engagement of parents as a crucial element of post-Covid schools in order to strengthen resilience in the education systems”, Gebara said.
The project is part of the EEA Grants programme area “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Roma Inclusion”. EWC is project partner and cooperates with the National Institute of Pedagogy under the Ministry of Education.