Networking and sharing expertise

Schools For All experts interviewed as part of good practices researches.

The ‘Schools for All’ trainer Iro Potamousi was interviewed by the Antigone Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace, and Non-Viοlence. The interview was done within the scope of the project Better Advocacy for Better Inclusion (BABI) supported by Erasmus+, which aims at building capacity for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), immigrant, refugee, and foreign nationality civilians to define and implement social inclusion policies. The tool is empowerment. People will then successfully advocate for their rights and needs towards national and local authorities first-hand, by improving their professional skills and competencies in Policy Advocacy. Iro Potamousi was approached to share first-hand experiences of advocacy strategies working within associations regarding migrants, refugees, and foreign nationals. Due to her extensive professional career, she shared her experiences regarding the “Aegean Monologues project” and mostly regarding the “Schools for All” project.

Expert trainer Geli Aroni and the Head Trainer Angelos Vallianatos of “Schools for All” project were invited to participate in a research interview cycle of the Include-EU program. The program is partnered with the International Organization for Migration and funded by the Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission (DG HOME). The Includ-EU program aims to create an inclusive European community, enhancing the transnational exchange of knowledge and experience, cooperation between local and regional authorities from Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, and Spain. The two experts were interviewed for the Education section of the program about the “Schools for All project”, the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders involved, the impact of good practice, Covid-19-related challenges and mitigation actions as well as monitoring and evaluation processes, among other topics.