Educational Coordinators trained in Greece

EWC’s Schools for All project in Greece joined forces with the Institute of Educational Policy and trained almost 170 educational coordinators on methods and approaches in intercultural education.

The head trainers of the program “Schools for All – Inclusion of Refugee Children in Greek Schools”, Geli Aroni, Angelos Vallianatos, Marios Koukounaras-Liagkis and Iro Potamousi, participated for two days as trainers in an educational 5-day seminar of the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP). The seminar “Training and Support actions for integration-intercultural education”, targeted educational coordinators and took place from Monday, April 12 to Friday, April 16, 2021.

IEP’s seminar aimed at the promotion of the principles of integration and intercultural education and the dissemination of relevant educational material, support as well as at providing solid training and counseling support to teachers of primary and secondary education who work in schools of Educational Priority Zone, Reception Departments and Refugee Reception and Education Structures.

In this framework, on April 13 and 14, the head trainers presented the “Schools for All – Integration of Refugee Children in Greek Schools” project with a special focus on the concept of the inclusive and democratic school, as established by the Council of Europe, through experiential activities and short lectures. Approximately 170 participants worked in groups under the guidance of experienced trainers. In addition, three regional trainers of the project, Eleni Papantoniou, Despoina Mitsiali, and Margarita Kapsali, presented as a case study their work within the first cycle of the project and how the “Schools for All” project was implemented in detail, sharing best practices and their valuable experience.

Participants’ feedback was very positive on EWC’s contribution to the educational content of the seminar. This well-attended seminar presented a great opportunity for the “Schools for All – Integration of Refugee Children in Greek Schools” project to communicate its aims and mission to educational coordinators and through that to build a network within professionals in the field and prepare the ground for the upcoming school year which will lead to securing more collaborating schools.