Can Citizenship Education still be an instrument for democratic transformation in Russia? Join us on the 26th November 2024 for a discussion on the role of the Russian diaspora and latest the developments in Russian Education.

In today’s Russia, education has become a vital propaganda tool for the authorities. Educators who do not agree with these developments, have either been silenced or driven into exile.
Since 2022, “Practicing Citizenship”, a project implemented by EWC and the School of Civic Education, has supported the Russian democratic diaspora, including educators who have found themselves in exile in Council of Europe member states.
At the seminar “Exiled, Not Silenced: Spotlight on Russian Civic Educators in Exile,” we give space to their voices. We will discuss the role of the democratic diaspora in the sphere of education and highlight the importance of support for educators in exile. We will also look into the latest developments within the education system in Russia.
WHEN: November 26th 08:30-15:00
WHERE: Litteraturhuset, Conference room “Skram”
Wergelandsveien 29, 0167 Oslo
8:30 – 9:00 Welcome coffee and registration
9:00 – 9:20 Opening and official addresses
Ana Perona Fjeldstad, Executive director, the European Wergeland Centre
Lena Nemirovskaya, Founder, School of Civic Education
9:20 – 10:40 PANEL DISCUSSION: The Changing Landscape of the Russian Educational System
Vasilij Zharkov, visiting lecturer PhD at European Humanities University (Lithuania), visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Montenegro)
Ana Kuleshova, Independent researcher, founder and project coordinator, Social Foresight Group, founder, Social Researchers Across Border (Luxembourg)
Helge Blakkisrud, Associate Professor in Russian Area Studies, University of Oslo, Senior Research Fellow, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (Norway)
Mariia Vasilievskaia, Director of the Hanna Arendt Research Centre, Head of Research at OVD-Info (Germany)
Moderated by: Anastasia Gontareva, School of Civic Education and Larisa Leganger Bronder, the European Wergeland Centre
10:40 – 11:00 Coffee break
11: 00 – 11:20 Practicing citizenship project, main results and findings
Valentina Papeikiene, Senior Advisor, the European Wergeland Centre
11:20 – 12:40 PANEL DISCUSSION: Practicing Citizenship: the role of democratic diaspora, voices of participants of the project
Introduction by Vladimir Shmelev, сo-founder of The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Edumonte educational company (Montenegro)
Nathaniel Laevski Tutor, English teacher in Adriatic Open School (Montenegro)
Aidar Akhmadiev, Journalist “Echo” media, YouTube channel “Zhivoj Gvozd” (Germany)
Natalia Kovyliaeva, coordinator, Reforum Space Tallinn (Estonia)
Lidia Cherkasova, methodologist, trainer, principal assistant for the primary school “Projector International School” Tbilisi (Georgia).
Moderated by: Bojana Dujkovic Blagojevic, trainer and project coordinator with the European Wergeland Centre and Dariusz Grzemny, trainer and consultant with the European Wergeland Centre, member of the pool of trainers of the Youth Department of the Council of Europe
12:40 – 13:00 Recommendations, and closing remarks
13.00 – 14.30 Lunch and mingling