Curriculum reform in Lithuana

EWC contributes to the design and implementation of the competence-based curriculum in the field of citizenship education in Lithuania

The two-year project “Education in the spotlight of NGO’s” aims to increase the participation of non-governmental organizations in the development and implementation of education policy in Lithuania.  

Together with six Lithuanian organizations, EWC contributes to the ongoing curricumulum reform with expertise, including references to Norwegian experiences, the whole school approach and the Council of Europe Reference Framework for Competences of Democratic Culture. 

In 2020 EWC contributed to a joint partner document outlining recommendations to definitions, descriptors and learning outcomes of transversal competences, in particular in regard to citizenship education.

The project will also monitor the implementation of the new curriculum, thus creating opportunities for effective NGO involvement in civic education.  

“This is particularly important as several competences including citizenship competences are becoming transversal, which is a new approach for schools and the education system in general”, EWC Senior advisor Valentina Papeikiene explains.  

In addition, Lithuania has adopted the 4K model which aims to promote reflection-based learning of students, build their ability to take responsibility for their learning outcomes, and help them achieve personal development through self-education. The model also underlines the need to recognize competencies acquired in various ways, including in non-formal education. Such approaches will also require rethinking of existing teaching and learning practices at schools and beyond.  

Importantly the project will promote dialogue between local government, education providers and NGOs, and will aim to advocate for the inclusion of NGOs among providers of educational services.  Another aim is to improve transparency and accountability of education authorities, by analyzing existing open education data, its use in decision making and submitting relevant proposals for improvement.    

Project partners:  

Centre for Civic Initiatives,  (coordinator) 

National Network of Educational NGOs 

House of Europe 

Global Citizens’ Academy (GCA) 

Nature school of Kardokai  

Turing School