Schools for Democracy: Strengthening Democratic Resilience through Education 

The European Wergeland Centre has been working in Ukraine since 2013. We offer targeted training for youth and youth workers, provide professional development for teachers and teacher trainers, build capacity of kindergartens, schools and teacher training institutions, contribute to policymaking and support professional learning communities.

The Programme is implemented by the European Wergeland Centre since 2015. The current edition (2024-2027) is carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of Moldova.  

Implementing partners: Centre for Education Initiatives (Lviv), Ukrainian Step by Step Foundation (Kyiv), SavED (Kyiv) and Step by Step Moldova (Chisinau).  

The Programme is funded by the Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine under the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). 


Iryna Sabor

Head of Early Childhood and School Section

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