The European Wergeland Centre is inviting organizations and/or individual researchers to participate in a tender for provision of final project evaluation- of the EWC’s Practicing Citizenship project, with focus years  2023 to 2024.

The project, carried our in cooperation with a partner institution, aims to enhance resilience and capacity of educators, youth, and civil society – representing Russian democratic diaspora currently based in post-soviet countries and in those with large Russian diaspora, to promote democracy and human rights. The project is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

The final project evalution should focus on assessing the programme’s relevance, effectiveness and results achieved  as well as make recommendation for future work in this field.  

Evaluation questions: 

  • How relevant was the project for the representatives of the target groups who took part in  activities ?  
  • To what extent did the project achieve its objectives and what are the results?  
  • What are main lessons learned / recommnedations for future programming? 

A more detailed terms of reference shall be finalised in cooperation with the researcher(s) assigned to conduct the evaluation. 

Note that:  

The evaluation should include desk review of relevant project documents (project proposal with result framework, re-orientation strategy, etc) data collected through in-house evaluation activities (through e.g. end of training survey, impact surveys, action reports by participants, etc). 

Additional data might need to be collected by different means including interviews, conducting focus groups. This will be discussed and decided at a later stage by the researcher in cooperation with EWC. 

Project documents and relevant data is in both English and Russian languages. Additional interviews with participants would likely be conducted in Russian (and English to some extent).   

Deliverables of the evaluation: 

  • Evaluation plan, discussed in cooperation with EWC.   
  • a report including a short summary (max. 5-10 pages)  
  • Presentation/meeting of final report with key stakeholders including partners and donors/policy makers  

Time period and Budget: 

Time period: the evaluation will run starting from September until December 2024.  

Budget: The total budget for the external evaluation of the project is set at 130 000 NOK (VAT incl).  

Criteria for the selection:  

Norwegian and international organisations/ institutions  and/or individual experts with the following proficiencies: 

  • knowledge and understanding of the political, social and economic context of the Russian Federation and communities in exile.  
  • experience or previous research work connected to diaspora communities will be an asset. 
  • ability to prepare the evaluation report in English, analyse documents and conduct interviews in Russian and/or English.  
  • experience in participatory methods and processes  
  • broad experience in evaluating projects in the field of education or social change  
  • experience in education for democratic citizenship and human rights focusing on capacity building of teachers, development of teaching and learning resources, as well as development, implementation or analysis of educational policies will be an asset  
  • experience in evaluating projects in the field of education for democratic citizenship and human rights focusing on capacity building of teachers, development of teaching and learning resources, as well as development, implementation or analysis of educational policies will be an asset.  

Tenderers shall be excluded from participation in a procurement procedure if:  

a) they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations; b) they or persons having powers of representation, decision-making or control over them have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a final judgment; c) they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct; d) they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of Norway, the country in which they are established, or with those of the country where the contract is to be performed; e) they or persons having powers of representation, decision-making or control over them have been convicted for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or money laundering by a final judgment; f) they make use of child labour or forced labour and/or practise discrimination, and/or do not respect the right to freedom of association and the right to organise and engage in collective bargaining pursuant to the core conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO).   

Contracts shall not be awarded to tenderers which, during the procurement procedure: a) are subject to a conflict of interests, b) are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required as a condition of participation in the tender procedure, or fail to supply this information.   

Tender offers will be rejected if any illegal or corrupt practices have taken place in connection with the contract award.   

Documents to be submitted by the candidate organisations/individual researchers:  

  • A brief presentation of the organization, including information on the organization’s legal form and ownership structure.  
  • A brief description of the reasearcher(s) who will carry our the final evaluation, indicating a contact person for communication with the EWC (team leader, if relevant) and description and/or documents certifying the  qualifications required (CVs, etc).  
  • A letter expressing the interest in conducting the evaluation with a brief description of approach and methods to be applied for analysis and additional data collection signed by an eligible organization’s representative  
  • Samples of previous external evaluation reports carried out by the organization or by the team/individually, references if available.  

Tenderers will be contacted for an interview (zoom/phone) after 28th August 2024. Only successful applicants will be contacted.  

Please submit the application to Valentina Papeikiene at by 28th of August 2024.  

Contact person for possible questions: Valentina Papeikiene at