On Friday 18 February 2022, the 2nd High School of Intercultural Education of Ioannina and the 2nd Lyceum of Ioannina held three workshops entitled “Blocking Racism in School” with Mr. George Moschos, former Assistant Ombudsman for Children’s Rights and highly experienced trainer of the Panhellenic Network for Theatre in Education. The two schools are implementing this school year the Schools for All project, under the guidance of the regional trainer Sophia Sonia Vlachou.
A total of 22 children (13 Greek-speaking, 5 Farsi-speaking, 2 Arabic-speaking and 2 Albanian-speaking) from the classes B1 and B2 participated in the workshop of the 2nd High School of Intercultural Education, under the supervision of Mrs. Eleni Goumas, one of the school’s teacher of greek literacy. A total of 31 Greek-speaking children from classes A4 and A5 participated in the workshop at the 2nd High School of Ioannina, under the supervision of Mrs. Olympia Bakali, one of the school’s teachers of greek literacy, and the theologian, Mrs. Vasiliki Daflou.
The two schools in our network were very positive about the workshops. The students showed enthusiasm, asking Mr. Moschos to visit the school regularly or at least, to return soon! Equally excellent impressions of the quality and usefulness of the workshop were made by the 16 teachers and parents from both schools who were present and in attendance.
We congratulate those who contributed to the planning, organisation and implementation of these workshops and we thank Mr. Moschos and the Network for Theatre in Education for their contribution to our work.