EWC Online Learning Coordinator, lives 30 km outside of Kyiv.
Andriy was ready to leave the city together with his family when he heared explosions near the capital.
The tension was in the air for some time before the actual start of the war. Western Powers and US intelligence services had warned that full scale war was possible.
We decided that it would be better to leave for the western part of the country since we could work online more safely from any place and could stay with our friends in Lviv. So, we left the city February 24.

We were warned that if Kyiv would be occupied, the first targets for the enemy would be civil society activists and those working with foreign companies, particularly Americans.
We were ready for various developments – in the family and in our organization (ISAR Iednannia – EWC implementation partner in Ukraine 2017-2021).
We planed what we would do in case the situation got worse – what to do with documents, equipment, websites, hard drives, and so on.How to ensure security of personal data.
My parents had to move from Donetsk a few years ago leaving everything behind. This time they did not even want to listen to us. They decided to stay in the suburb of Kyiv. Maybe that is because they belong to an older generation. My younger friends from Donetsk and Luhansk reacted immediately and were ready to go.