Press release by the 5th Lyceum of Veroia
The events that happen every day are impossible not to touch, not to sensitize, not to concern everyone, especially when they happen a step away from our city and concern a teenager who was unjustly lost…
This is what motivated the seniors of our school to decide to put their into into practice and communicate them with an improvised mural in the school building with the message “Stop Violence” written in several languages. Thus, on the occasion of the Mother Tongue Day, which is celebrated on February 21, students, together with their teacher, Mrs. Axouristou Charis, took brushes and paintbrushes and painted the message “STOP VIOLENCE” outside their canteen, so that it can be seen daily by their classmates not only from the 5th High School of Veroia, but also from the neighbouring schools.
This action took place in the framework of the School Mediation Programme, which aims at the peaceful resolution of disputes between peers, and the action plan entitled “A school that includes us all”, which is being implemented by the school during the current school year. It was supported both by the Teachers’ Association and the management and by the ‘Schools for All’ programme, in which the 5th Lyceum participates, with the aim of including refugee children in the school community.
This is the beginning of many more actions that will take place in the school, with the hope that our future students will no longer need to face or talk about such fundamental issues.